Monday, July 24, 2023

Review: The Ninja Pandemica

 Michael Anthony Carroll is a prolific cartoonist from Columbus Ohio or thereabouts. Anyway, I picked up his "The Ninja Pandemica" paperback this year at the Small Press and Alternative Comics Exposition, which I like to refer to as SPACE. So I thought I'd write a review.

First, despite the name, this book has nothing to do with pandas. It is, however, in black-and-white, which is the same color as most pandas. So that's cool. Second, the book contains a bunch of short comic stories Mike did in 2020, while the world was dealing with a global pandemic. Third, the stories are funny.

Mike does these comics in his own inimitable style (that I could probably imitate if I tried really, really hard). He likes to come up with weird but funny new characters and ideas, such as "lesser element ninjas", and that's what makes his work so much fun. He admits he doesn't do a lot of narrative stories once he invents the characters, so maybe that's something someone should do some time. Like, take once of Mike's teams and write a 40 page graphic novel about their adventures? Maybe that would be cool.

Oh, and Ninja are very good at being undetected. That's why you can't spot the ninjas hiding in my review...

Or any real reviewing...

Anyways, here's some picture and a link to Mike's website! I highly recommend to buy as much of his stuff as you can!