is a comic series I picked up at the Genghis Con. It’s a great idea and one of those comics I
wish I had thought of! As the title implies, it tells the forgotten story of
the zombie outbreak at the most famous music festival ever, Woodstock. Writer and pencil artist Bruce Worden intends
to cover the entire festival, having each issue cover the time during the
performance of each act at Woodstock. But the real stars aren’t the actual performers that played those days,
but rather…the Zombies!
No, I don’t mean zombies.
I mean The Zombies, the British rock group that in reality split up
right before Woodstock began. If you don’t
know who the Zombies are, you need to go learn some music history. I’ve been a fan since I was in High School
and first heard “Time of the Season”.
Along with “She’s not There” you have two of the most amazing sounding
songs of the era. The rest of the Zombies’
catalogue is also quite good.
Anyway, back to the comic.
The Zombies show up hoping to get
some time on stage at Woodstock, even though they aren’t invited, which
is funny to begin with. However, they
soon find themselves surrounded by young people mindlessly staring off into
space. And then they encounter some
zombies! (Basically the same thing
except flesh-eating.) The zombies have to fend off the zombies, trying to stay
alive while trying to get on stage. They
have some knowledge in the area of mysticism, which they put to good use
against the undead hordes. All while no
one else notices.
I’ve finished the first 3 issues of Woodstalk, and I await
more. The first issues each feature a different inker, but the art is solid in each. And the story is well told, clear and fun!