Monday, August 12, 2024

Disc Golf!

Another example of my painting. I'm a disc golf enthusiast so when I wanted to paint a nice outdoor setting, I decided to paint a disc golf basket!



Friday, August 2, 2024

Review: Snails With Lasers

Snails With Lasers is an independent comic book written by Stephen Hines with art and lettering by Aaron Lindeman. I picked up this comic at the always excellent SPACE convention this year. I’d like to start by quoting some dialogue on page 1: “Rebooting should be finished by the time the reader reaches the second page.” Yes! This indicates this is going to be a fun ride!

Snails With Lasers 1 - Etsy

The general plot of the comic is about some aliens who encounter Earth and decide humanity needs some culling. So they, of course, enlarge some snails and equip them with lasers to kill all “willfully ignorant” humans. That’s quite the task if you think about it!

But the overall plot isn’t as important as getting in as many jokes as possible. Jokes about humanity. Jokes about Florida. Jokes about politics. A bunch of jokes because snails are funny and so are humans. Jokes that involve serious adult language and extreme violence. In a very funny way.

Anyway, I’m trying not to tell the jokes myself because I want people to buy the comic. The art and writing are really really good, and it’s well worth the cost for the entertainment value. You just java to be entertained by extreme jokes. Occasionally. Not all the funny stuff is too extreme. I have purchased some other works of Stephen Hines over the years, and I’m sorry I haven’t reviewed them all. So let me recommend all his stuff right now! He has a shop here!

Monday, July 29, 2024


 More watercolors. I used a lot of splatter and watercolor pencils with this one.






Monday, June 24, 2024

Willie Mays memorial painting

 I've never done a memorial painting, but since I'm taking a painting class right now and we lost the greatest baseball player ever this week, it seemed right to give it a go. I tried to be more expressive than realistic. Didn't turn out like I had it in my head, but I still like the result.

Pencil sketch

First washes

More washes


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Painting Pokemon

 I'm currently taking a Watercolor Painting class. It is a class for my teaching as an Art Educator, but it also is an exploration of my own artistry. For my first painting I took some suggestions of Pokemon characters. I was only going to paint one, but then I had the idea to do three in format I've been drawing characters lately (see other pages on this blog). From the suggestions, I picked the three characters I thought were most interesting visually. I also decided to paint Kirlia instead of the suggested Ralts for this reason. Here's the process and the result.

Sunday, December 31, 2023

2023 a year in review

 This is my looking back at 2023 blog, wherein I plan to talk about my favorite things from 2023.\

Favorite book: Generations: The Real Differences Between Gem Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents- and What They Mean for America's Future by Jean M. Twenge PhD


I've always kind of discounted the generational differences. I figure I'm too much of a individual to fit into any such category anyway. However, it turns out we're called Gen X precisely because we're so hard to categorize! I really did connect with not only what Dr. Twenge says about my generation, but also her writings on my parents' generations and how things have changed. The biggest change through the years is always technology and how it affects our daily lives. And trends in social areas such as work, marriage, and children reflect our increasing lifespans and slower maturation as it currently takes much longer for people to finish schooling and begin a career. These are just some of the highlights of what I learned through this book. I recommend everyone give it a read!

Favorite comic book, new: It was very nice to get to read some new Ms. Marvel comics this year! Co-written by Iman Vellani (the actress who plays Kamala in the MCU) Ms. Marvel: New Mutant was a good, fun series. Also I have to give a shout out to Avengers, INC. An Avengers series focusing on the Wasp, as she tries to solve a few mysteries, such as why her old foe Whirlwind had died and come back as Victor Shade. Great art on this one by one of my long-time favorites, Leonard Kirk!


Favorite comic book, old: I decided this year to read all the Black Panther solo series, most of which I had never read before. Starting with writer Don McGregor's Jungle Action run, which was the very forst solo series for T'Challa. McGregor created most of what we have of Wakanda today, as he centered most of his series on the fictional home of the Black Panther and created many of the supporting cast and villains that we still see today. These earliest stories are very different than current comics, and the writing seemed very non-comic booky to me. I don't know how else to describe it, but it has it's good and bad points. Mostly it is amazing to read the stories that really started the legend. 


The later run by Jack Kirby is incredible fun. Sure, it's very 70's Kirby, and some of the stories could involve just about any character (very Mister Miracle I'd say) but Kirby has a way of showing how regal and commanding T'Challa's presence is. The best part of the story is when Jack gets the King of Wakanda back to his homeland.

And two more quick notes: McGregor's other big Black Panther story, most of which I had read when it was first published, was a series in Marvel Comics Presents drawn by the legendary Gene Colan. It was the main factor in my buying all those MCP comics back then! And I've currently gotten into Christopher Priest's run from the late 90's-, which really makes T'Challa a superstar and also powers him up quite a bit with much more Wakanda tech! 

Favorite small press comic: The Ninja Pandemica, which I discussed here

Favorite concert I attended: The Warning, of whom I have hailed many times in previous posts. I feel fortunate to have been able to see them live, and I listen to their music all the time. Check out their performances at the MTV video awards! It's great to hear such young people playing great rock music. Do like I do, and buy their physical media!

Okay, that's plenty for now. Maybe someone will leave a comment as to their favorites of 2023.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Peanuts in 3 stages

I did this drawing earlier this year mostly because I thought it would be fun, and because I'm a huge Charles Schulz fan, as well as a fan of all things Peanuts!